How INTERNAL SIZE Matters to Women | 7 Physiotherapy Solutions for REDUCING SIZE and LAXITY

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Increased size and laxity (looseness) can cause devastating problems for women. Here’s how to reduce internal size and laxity with Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist Michelle from Measure your internal size compared with average size. World's first comprehensive video for overcoming increased size and laxity.

Kegel Exercises for Women - Complete Beginners Guide

Pjur Natural Lubricants

Time Stamps
0:47 What women say about increased size and laxity
2:54 Normal internal size for women
3:47 How to measure internal size
4:59 2 main risks for pelvic floor injury after natural delivery
5:32 7 ways to reduce internal size and laxity

Common Problems with Pelvic Floor Injury

* Decreased sensation and satisfaction
* Poor body image
* Decreased self esteem
* Lack of desire
* Relationship problems
* Embarrassment
* Isolation
* Anxiety
* Depression

Normal Female Size

Average length 9.6 cm or 3.7 inches
Average genital hiatus (width) 2.9 cm or 1.1 inches (1)

Myth Bust
Increased size NOT caused intimacy (2)

Main Causes of Pelvic Floor Damage

Increased risk of pelvic floor damage including levator avulsion causing increased size after first time during natural delivery is :
* Forceps delivery
* Prolonged pushing or second stage labour (3)

7 Physiotherapy Solutions for Reducing Size and Laxity

Kegel Exercise Technique

Kegels can increase pelvic floor muscle thickness and strength, reduce size, laxity and improve sensation.

Step 1 - Puborectalis pelvic floor muscle activation
Step 2 - Clock face visualisation for Kegels

Kegels for Strength and Power

1. Strong Kegel exercises

Maximal effort Kegels can strengthen and thicken the pelvic floor muscles to reduce size, laxity and improve sensation.

* 8-10 Kegels holding up to 10 seconds
* 3 times/day
* Rest between Kegels
* Progress to standing

2. Power Kegels

Strong fast kegels improve the power of the pelvic floor muscles.

*1-3 sets/day up to 10 strong and fast Kegels

3. Use Pelvic Floor Muscles Actively

Practicing Kegels during functional activities can improve sensation.

4. Positioning

Try different positions to improve sensation.

5. Oestrogen pessary (Ovestin)

Ovestin is a hormone replacement therapy that acts locally to improve thickness, lubrication and promote internal healing after pelvic floor surgery. This HRT can help during and after menopause. Speak with your doctor regarding your suitability for using Ovestin.

6. Lubrication

Water based lubricants without additives are the safest option. They are easily cleaned and less likely to harbour infection-causing bacteria. Hybrid water and silicone based lubricants can improve lubrication for improved sensation and comfort.

7. Emotional Healing

Emotional healing and management strategies include:

* Professional counselling or discuss this with someone you trust
* Stress relieving techniques - relaxed breathing and mindfulness
* Self compassion

#reduceinternalsize #decreaselaxity #pelvicfloorinjury


1. Swift et al. Pelvic Organ Support Study (POSST): the distribution, clinical definition, and epidemiologic condition of pelvic organ support defects. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2005;192:795–806

2. Schimpf, M.O., Harvie, H.S., Omotosho, T.B. et al. Does size impact activity and function?. Int Urogynecol J 21, 447–452 (2010).

3. Shek, K. and Dietz, H. (2010), Intrapartum risk factors for levator trauma. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 117: 1485-1492.

Videography by Jonah Bobongie
Music That Kid Goran licensed user

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