Breast Augmentation Surgery | Procedure Video

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Pregnancy, lactation, and chest feeding change the chest size and lead to deflation and sagging of breast in most of the woman. This change often results in a changed appearance and affected self-confidence. Therefore, to restore the fullness and youthfulness of the breast, chest augmentation surgery is performed. This surgery involves the use of #siliconeimplants which are surgically inserted behind the chest wall to augment the breast size.

In the video above, our patient had a similar condition of sagging breast post-pregnancy and lactation. We addressed this condition by #breastimplant surgery. We used the Inframammary approach here, wherein the incision is made in the crease under the breast, making the #scars hidden. In this case, the patient does not plan any further pregnancies, which eliminates future volume loss and sagging.

Breast augmentation is a commonly performed surgery as a part of Mommy Makeover, which provides the results as desired. For further information, consult Dr. Dushyanth Kalva at Inform Clinics in Hyderabad.

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