Fine lines, acne scars, brown spots, pores and more treated with a few passes of this laser.

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The cosmetic laser treatment for anti-aging and skin resurfacing may prevent skin cancer too! The nonablative fractional laser treatment is offered for a few cosmetic concerns patients want to address. The laser is often used for facial rejuvenation as a skin resurfacing treatment.

“It's called the Fraxel Dual. So, the Fraxel Dual is the name of the laser and the ‘dual’ refers to the two wavelengths of the Fraxel," said Basia Marie Michalski, MD, FAAD, dermatologist at Siteman Cancer Center and Washington University School Medicine.

Michalski says the laser treatment may have added benefits.

“Already studied for treatment of precancers, so it does treat precancers,” she said. “The next step was a study out of Massachusetts General Hospital. It was published in 2023, so just a few months ago, by one of our laser experts in the country.”

The small study suggests the laser treatment could significantly prevent the development of common types of nonmelanoma skin cancer. But more studies are needed.

“I do tell patients about the study because I think it's interesting,” said Michalski. #skincancer #melanoma @SitemanCancerCenter @AmericanCancerSociety @ACSCAN #lasertreatment #lasertreatments #cosmeticsurgery #plasticsurgeons #dermatology #fraxel
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