Colonoscopy insertion - Simple steps to pass hepatic flexure easily การส่องกล้องลำไส้ใหญ่

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This is the demonstration of colonoscopy insertion. The video contained the colonoscopy view, scope-navigation, and endoscopist movement. I hope it useful for the colonoscopy beginner.
This case showed my simple steps to pass hepatic flexure. The techniques includes.
1. Reduce all loop before you reach hepatic flexure
2. Use suction as much as possible on right colon
3. Abdominal pressure if redundant transverse/sigmoid colon
4. Follow my movements on the video!

นพ. สุกิจ ภัทรเจียรพันธุ์
ห้องส่องกล้อง Surgical Endoscopy Colorectal Division

Dr. Sukit Pattarajierapan
Surgical Endoscopy Colorectal Division
King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital

#Colonoscopy​​​ #ColonoscopyInsertion​​​ #HepaticFlexure
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