Breast Cancer Decision Making Process | Istanbul Med Assist

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How do we decide to perform the surgery while applying surgical treatment in breast cancer?
In Istanbul Med Assist your comfort during or after all kinds of procedures are our priority. Whether you are looking for more information, an initial evaluation or a second opinion, do not hesitate to contact with us via from Whatsapp on +90 530 884 47 22 and we will get back to you as quickly as we can.

If it is a limited tumor, we perform surgery with the method we call breast conserving surgery, without removing the whole breast. If the breast-tumor ratio is unbalanced, we can perform surgery without removing the whole breast using the method we call oncoplastic breast surgery.

If the breast needs to be removed because the tumor is large and has spread to the breast, there is a glimmer of hope: We can leave the outside of the breast and empty the inside. Like an orange peel, the crust remains outside and we drain it out. And it can be filled with an artificial, synthetic prosthesis or tissue taken from your own body or a combination of the two. After surgery, although the entire breast has been removed, the patient will see the breast in place when she wakes up. This is a very gratifying event. Although the whole breast is emptied, the appearance of the breast remains fine. While our aim here is to save the life of the patient, it is very valuable to keep the quality of life.
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