Warning! Breast cancer

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Hey! Today's topic of my video is such a dangerous disease as breast cancer.
This time I experimented with the format. I drew all the pictures myself. Enjoy watching!


Definite breast cancer risks. CancerHelp UK. 2008. Sep 26, [20 Mar 2010].
Ganesh N. Sharma, Rahul Dave, Jyotsana Sanadya, Piush Sharma, and K. K Sharma. VARIOUS TYPES AND MANAGEMENT OF BREAST CANCER: AN OVERVIEW // Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research – 2010 - Apr-Jun; 1(2)
Lippman M. E. Breast cancer. In: Fauci A. S., editor. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine. 17th ed. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data; 2008.
Stephan P. What you need to know about breast cancer symptoms. About.com: Breast cancer. 2007. Dec 06, [20 Mar 2010]. http://breastcancer.about.com/od/whatisbreastcancer/a/bc_symptoms.htm .
Tiernan A. M. Behavioral risk factor in breast cancer: Can risk be modified? The Oncologist. 2003;8:326–334.
What is breast cancer? American cancer society. 2009. Sep 18, [18 Mar 2010].
What is breast cancer? Imaginis. 2008. Jun 11, [17 Mar 2010]. http://www.imaginis.com/breast-health/what-is-breast-cancer-2 .
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