This Makes You More Heathier Than Ever Licorice Health Benefits

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When we think of licorice, the idea of candy automatically comes to mind. We can also imagine a pill that reduces respiratory discomfort.
However, this root is much more than that. This video tells you what its main benefits and contraindications are.
Properties of licorice:
The medicinal uses of this plant are really varied. The most widely used element of licorice is the root, which contains a component called glycyrrhizin.
The ancient way of making remedies from it was to simmer it in a copper pot and then pound it into a paste. It was then left to dry in the sun. This process today has been replaced by steam chambers.
Health benefits of licorice:
Among the main benefits of licorice we can highlight the following:
1. Improves the digestive system:
Being an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and antacid herb, it prevents stomach heaviness, reduces flatulence and prevents indigestion.
It is also recommended for intestinal problems such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.
As if that were not enough, licorice counteracts heartburn and prevents the formation of sores in the mouth.
2. Protects the liver:
The intake of glycyrrhizin helps in liver function because it allows to more easily eliminate the toxic substances accumulated in this organ.
Thus, it is recommended to consume licorice for people suffering from hepatitis B or cirrhosis.
It is also useful for those who wish to carry out depurative diets or liver decongestion.
3. Reduces respiratory diseases:
Perhaps one of its main properties is anti-inflammatory, very suitable for the mucous membranes and respiratory tract.
Licorice is recommended if we have sore throat, pharyngitis or laryngitis.
By consuming a decoction of the crushed root, we can properly treat sore throats, asthma, and colds. It is an ideal ally to fight the flu.
4. It is an antidepressant:
Licorice has the ability to combat depression as it provides a large amount of nutrients like calcium, magnesium, vitamin C. that act efficiently on the nervous system.
It lifts the spirits of people with chronic fatigue syndrome and is also good for women in the menopausal stage.
5. Reduces body temperature:
Licorice can help us if we expose ourselves excessively to the sun or heat in summer and suffer the consequences.
It is ideal for combating dehydration and heat stroke as well as to quench thirst.
It is recommended to treat altitude sickness due to its anti aggregating principles of the blood.
6. Helps you quit smoking:
Those who smoke can replace cigarettes with a licorice root.
Sucking on this plant helps reduce the desire to smoke and oral anxiety.
In addition, its components detoxify the body of nicotine and other toxic substances that accompany tobacco.
7. Strengthens the immune system:
If for some reason our defenses are weakened, we can use licorice as a "barrier" that prevents the entry of different microorganisms.
For example, it is very good at treating herpes virus and fungal conditions.

This channel (TimePass Machi) are continuously changing practices. The information in this video is for educational and entertainment purposes only. For medical advice, please consult with a physician or qualified medical professional.
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