Risk factors of Pancreatic Cancer▶️ #shorts #cancer

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Pancreatic cancer occurs when changes (mutations) in the pancreas cells lead them to multiply out of control. A mass of tissue can result. Sometimes, this mass is benign (not cancerous). In pancreatic cancer, however, the mass is malignant (cancerous).

What are the types of pancreatic cancer?
There are two types of tumors that grow in the pancreas: exocrine or neuroendocrine tumors. About 93% of all pancreatic tumors are exocrine tumors, and the most common kind of pancreatic cancer is called adenocarcinoma. Pancreatic adenocarcinoma is what people usually mean when they say they have pancreatic cancer. The most common type begins in the ducts of the pancreas and is called ductal adenocarcinoma.

The rest of the pancreatic tumors — about 7% of the total — are neuroendocrine tumors (NETs), also called pancreatic NETs (PNETs), an islet cell tumor or islet cell carcinoma. Some NETs produce excessive hormones. They may be called names based on the type of hormone the cell makes — for instance, insulinoma would be a tumor in a cell that makes insulin.

What causes pancreatic cancer?
There is no clear answer. We don’t know exactly what causes pancreatic cancer. However, research has identified some risk factors.

What are the risk factors for pancreatic cancer?
The average lifetime risk of developing pancreatic cancer is about 1 in 64. A risk factor is something that raises the chance that you will get a disease. There are risk factors that are a result of behavior and that can be changed. For pancreatic cancer, these types of risk factors include:

1. Smoking cigarettes, cigars and using other forms of tobacco.
2. Obesity is also a risk factor. Carrying weight around the waist is a risk factor even if you do not have obesity.
3. Having diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes, which is linked to obesity.
4. The new development of diabetes at an older age and in someone with a normal weight or body mass index could be a sign of pancreatic cancer.
5. Being exposed to chemicals used by dry cleaners and metal workers.
6. Having chronic pancreatitis, a permanent inflammation of the pancreas usually associated with smoking and drinking a lot of alcohol.

There are also risk factors that you can’t change. These include:
Hereditary chronic pancreatitis due to gene changes (mutations) passed from parent to child.
1. Hereditary syndromes with gene changes (mutations) in genes — such as BRCA genes passed from parent to child.
2. Being older than 45.
3. Being male.
4. Being of Ashkenazi Jewish descent.
Your healthcare provider might suspect pancreatic cancer if you have certain symptoms or if you’ve recently developed diabetes or pancreatitis.

What are the stages of pancreatic cancer?
Pancreatic cancer is categorized into five different stages. Your diagnosis depends on the size and location of the tumor and whether or not the cancer has spread:

Stage 0: Also known as carcinoma in situ, Stage 0 is characterized by abnormal cells in the lining of the pancreas. The cells could become cancerous and spread to nearby tissue.
Stage 1: The tumor is in the pancreas.
Stage 2: The tumor is in the pancreas and has either spread to nearby tissues, organs or lymph nodes.
Stage 3: The cancer has spread to major blood vessels near the pancreas. It may have also spread to nearby lymph nodes.
Stage 4: In stage 4 pancreatic cancer, the cancer has spread to distant areas in the body, such as the liver, lungs or abdominal cavity. It has possibly spread to organs, tissues or lymph nodes near the pancreas.

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